The Fog of War.

The Fog of war is about the time of the cold war and the secretary of defense during the Kennedy administration Robert S. McNamara. The film is a Mixture between historical footage during the Cold War and interviews that capture the knowledge and insight of Robert S. McNamara. They also list Eleven Lessons That Robert S. McNamara lived by when it came to making decisions about the cold war.

Lesson #1: Empathize with your enemy.

Lesson #2: Rationality alone will not save us.

Lesson #3: There’s something beyond one’s self.

Lesson #4: Maximize efficiency.

Lesson #5: Proportionality should be a guideline in war.

Lesson #6: Get the Data.

Lesson #7: Belief and seeing are both often wrong.

Lesson #8: Be prepared to reexamine your reasoning.

Lesson #9: In order to do good, you may have to engage in evil.

Lesson #10: Never say never.

Lesson #11: You can’t change human nature.

1.       Which one of McNamara’s questions or challenges is of most interest or concern to you? Why?

I think a combination of lessons 1,3 and 11 are very interesting because although you are in a war ,lives are at stake and your actions could potentially bring nuclear war, it all comes down to human nature and what people will do and how they react. I think it concerns me because human nature is unpredictable and  really anything could have happened.

2.        Which of the eleven lessons were most interesting and important to you? With which

In order to good you have to engage evil. I like this lesson because it seems like something a person could live by. It seems like if you follow this rule although you would have to be unforgiving, you would do good in the end.

3.       What was the most striking element of the film. Why do you remember that part particularly?

I think my favorite part of the film was the interviews Robert S. McNamara. Because he was right in the middle of it and he made decisions that could have changed the path of the war. I think talking to him could have been the closest thing to talking to Kennedy himself. He is a true living legend

Source :

Boys to Men Canada is a registered federal charity created to guide adolescent boys on their journey to manhood.Boys to Men Canada has developed a simple approach to address the growing problem of boys growing up without a father (20% and growing in Canada today*).

Boys to Men 1. A safe place for men to tell the truth. This begins with a training for the men who want to participate in the mentoring of boys. This experiential training gives men a new perspective on mentoring boys.
2. A place where boys learn they can trust men, because of the honesty within the group. These boys earn the right to be called Journeymen, by completing their Rite of Passage Adventure (ROPA) Weekend. The ROPA is a bonding experience that creates trust and respect, and builds connections between boys and Mentors.
3. Journeymen with Ongoing Group Mentoring, where together with Mentor Teams, they continue to develop and strengthen the bonds created on the weekend, and to receive critical support as they grow into the men they will become.

Ten years ago, a group of twenty two boys, ages 11-17 attended the first San Diego Boys to Men weekend. A data collection and program evaluation consultant helped to develop a survey to evaluate the long-term effects the Boys to Men program had on them. These boys are now young men ages 21-27.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    February 2013

